I am a very anxious person. However, I’m attempting to make changes in my life to promote calm and happiness. I’ve decided living in a constantly stressed state isn’t healthy and is certainly no way to go about living. Isn’t life too short to spend stressed out of your mind?! One thing that really gets me going is the stress of flying! I don’t fly much, so when I do I have steps I take to keep my sanity and keep from ruining my trip!
This is what helps me when I fly:
1. I always take something like Dramamine or an anti-dizziness medication. I know medication isn’t for everyone and I certainly respect that! Personally, I find that my stress causes a stomach upset on occasion so if I can nip that in the bud early it helps the flying process for me.
2. I think of the airport process as steps. Step one is checking in, step two is security and so on and so on. When I can mentally scratch off the steps I find my anxiety reduces with each mental check mark.
3. ESSENTIAL OILS! Ok essential oils are some of my best friends. I constantly have a diffuser going in my house and I now have a diffuser bracelet for on the go stress relief. I make sure my bracelet is decked out with some serious de-stressing oils so if at any point I need to chill, I can breathe away some of my stress. I’m sure I look nuts sniffing my bracelet randomly but who cares.
4. My breathing stone! This guy doesn’t make an appearance often, but when it does it’s a big help! I got this at a managing your stress conference a year ago and I love the concept of having something to hold when I feel anxious. You obviously don’t have to have a specific breathing stone, or a stone at all, but I like to have a tangible object that I can use to seek positive or calming energy.
5. The Calm app. This app is awesome! I use it almost every day. It has meditation help, stories to help you relax or sleep, and relaxing music. I put my headphones in in the airport and listen to a little rain or mountain noises while the world hustles and bustles around me. It’s actually kind of comical to listen to such serine music while watching passengers hauling ass to their gate.
6. Wine! Ok actually I haven’t been able to have a glass of wine on my past few flights because the turbulence messes with my stomach BUT if you can have a glass of the red (or white) stuff then do it! Or get one of your favorite beverages (alcoholic or non) and sit back and enjoy yourself. You made it through the craziest part and now you get to just sit and relax!
7. Have you ever noticed how many people get up and crowd the aisle when the seat belt sign comes off. It’s like Hello people they haven’t even opened the door yet.. relax! Nothing makes me more stressed than feeding off of the anxiety of others. I’m sure it’s why flying is so stressful for me. Try not to let these passengers make you sweat. Take your time gathering your things and use this time to plan getting to your bag or your ride. Pay attention because the flight attendants typically announce at which carousel you can find your bag. You’ll already be ahead of all of the pushy passengers who don’t listen to the announcement and have to shoulder their way through crowds to look at the monitors. A win for you!
These tricks really help me but it certainly took a while for me to figure out how to help myself with traveling. The main thing I can say is think about how you destress in your everyday life and figure out how to use it when you travel. If it’s exercise, give yourself an additional 15 minutes to just walk around the airport. If it’s shopping, buy yourself something you’ve been wanting and reward yourself for making it through check in and security! I hope some of these tips will help you find some peace while you travel!